
Agosto 21,2018

février 20, 2025


Savais-vous que… Chimiver propose des produits pour le collage vertical de panneaux décoratifs ?

Si vous cherchez des solutions efficaces pour le collage de panneaux décoratifs sur des murs intérieurs, il est essentiel de choisir des produits professionnels qui garantissent résistance, durabilité et facilité d’application. Avantages des adhésifs : Ils évitent les perforations et les dommages aux murs ; Ils conviennent à tous types de surfaces. Dans ce guide, […]

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Agosto 21,2018

février 11, 2025


Vous savez que… à partir d’aujourd’hui, les nettoyants pour sols Chimiver sont disponibles en capsules solubles dans l’eau ?

Ces dernières années, Chimiver s’est orientée vers des formats plus durables et réutilisables afin de réduire l’impact environnemental des flacons et des contenants. À partir d’aujourd’hui, ils sont également disponibles en capsules solubles dans l’eau ! Vous pouvez recharger votre flacon avec votre nettoyant concentré préféré, sans gaspillage, pour un nettoyage responsable.   1 ÉCO-RECHARGE […]

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Agosto 21,2018

mai 24, 2024



Get your decking ready for summer!

Do you know that… before the arrival of the beautiful season, wooden decks require specific care to restore their original aesthetics? How to Restore Weathered Outdoor Wood Flooring: Effective Tips for Cleaning and Restoration Click here and read our dedicated article Do you know that… even WPC decking require periodic maintenance to preserve their beauty […]

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Agosto 21,2018

mai 09, 2024


How to Maintain and Clean Synthetic Grass Lawn

How exciting is it to see a garden that stays green regardless of the season? Synthetic grass lawn is an excellent solution, both aesthetically pleasing and practical to maintain, especially when there are children and pets around and little time to dedicate to gardening. Many people have chosen to use artificial grass for their homes […]

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Agosto 21,2018

novembre 22, 2023


Do you know that… with VELUREX RE-PAIR you can nourish, renew, and protect your wooden, resin, and resilient floors?

Do you know that… with VELUREX RE-PAIR you can nourish, renew, and protect your wooden, resin, and resilient floors? VELUREX Re-Pair is a protective solution based on polyurethane resins formulated for the extraordinary maintenance of flooring particularly damaged and exposed to high foot traffic. Read the full article in Chimiver Academy section or click here

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Agosto 21,2018

août 31, 2023



Chimiver industry water-based lacquers ensure very high performance with a very low environmental impact

Do You Know That…Chimiver industry water-based lacquers ensure high performance with a reduced environmental impact? The very low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions make water-based solutions a more sustainable and safe choice. Discover the Chimiver range, versatile and quality finishes applicable using spray machines, curtain coaters, or roller systems to achieve any desired effect. Read […]

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Agosto 21,2018

juillet 12, 2023



Do you know that… ADESIVER AGA is a single-component moisture-curing adhesive specifically designed for residential synthetic turf?

Do you know that… Adesiver AGA s a single-component moisture-curing adhesive specifically designed for residential synthetic turf? It is ideal for bonding joint tapes between synthetic grass sheets, both for indoors and outdoors. Read the full article in Chimiver Academy section or click here

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Agosto 21,2018

avril 27, 2023



Do you know that…LED-Y is the Chimiver on-site solution for instant photo curing of oils and lacquers?

Do you know that…LED-Y is the Chimiver on-site solution for instant photo curing of oils and lacquers? Through the use of LED lamps, jobsites timing is drastically reduced while exploiting a clean and economical technology. Would you like to see LED-Y at work? Take a look at the latest works done: ECOFAST UV LED LED […]

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