mai 04, 2023

mai 04, 2023





Outdoor wooden floor? Prepare it for the summer

Outdoor wooden floor? Prepare it for the summer

To maintain an enviable wooden flooring, it is necessary to resort to specific protective treatments, which preserve the wood and enhance its naturalness. Here are Chimiver® tips for decking.

As a living and porous material, wood reacts negatively to adverse conditions, losing its original vigor, becoming gray and wearing out. Rain, wind, insects, the formation of fungi, moss … there are many factors that can affect outdoor wood surfaces and cause decay.

Whether it is a terrace or a garden, it does not matter, after months of exposure to severe atmospheric agents, the external surfaces and flooring lose their natural splendor.

To keep the decking aesthetics and functionality over time, it is therefore necessary to carry out specific protective treatments, which enhance the naturalness of the wood but at the same time preserve its value over time.

Ravaioli Legnami - ph Gino Corbolante Pidiprogetto

How to restore outdoor wooden floors to their maximum splendor?

Chimiver Panseri Spa, an Italian company leader in the market of gluing, treatment and maintenance products for wooden, resilient, resin, indoor, outdoor and synthetic grass floors, has developed a line of products dedicated to the surfaces most exposed to atmospheric agents, becoming a reference for the sector.

This is a range of solutions specific for the treatment of outdoor wooden floors, pool edges, terraces, walkways, window frames, gazebos, fences and wooden canopies.

How to renew your decking in 3 simple steps

Chimiver has designed a product for each phase of the maintenance process:

  • original color restoration,
  • nourishment,
  • wood protection,
  • cleaning and sanitation.

1. Lios® Grigioff to eliminate “gray”.

It is a water-based solution for restoring the original color of outdoor wooden surfaces. Lios® Grigioff is a Certified Biodegradable and Ecotoxic product.
Just moisten the floor with water, apply the product directly on the surface to be treated and after about 10 minutes remove the patina created with the help of a brush or pressure washer. Finally, it is only necessary to rinse everything and the decking will look like it has just been laid.

2. Lios® Sundeck Wood Oil to deeply nourish the surface

This impregnating oil is very effective against the deterioration of outdoor wood. It is suggested to use it after applying Lios® Grigioff, after which it is necessary to apply Lios® Sundeck Wood Oil twice with the help of a brush and that’s it. The floor will get a warm and natural tone that will transform the look of your decking in the blink of an eye.
Lios® Sundeck Wood Oil is also available in « light » versions that do not change the original color of the decking.

3. Lios® Sundeck Soap for washing and maintaining your refurbished decking

Lios® Sundeck Soap son outdoor wood should be used as a cleansing, delicate and nourishing soap. In fact, it easily removes dirt, chlorine and salt residues while nourishing the wood.

Every 15/30 days a first wash can be carried out with the aid of a rag or mop by diluting Lios® Sundeck Soap with water. Then, once dry, the procedure must be repeated. The floor will be immediately walkable, without streaks and with a healthy and nourished look.


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