2023: ISO 50001 “Energy Management Systems”
The latest international best practice in energy management, based on compliance with current national and regional regulations. The implementation of ISO 50001 guides the processes necessary to analyze energy consumption, implement plans, define objectives and energy performance indicators to reduce consumption and identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency.
2024: ISO 45001 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems”
Establishes minimum good practice standards for worker protection. This standard provides a framework to enhance safety, reduce workplace risks, and improve the health and well-being of workers, proactively improving health and safety performance.

2025: ISO 14001 “Environmental Management Systems”
Implies a commitment to the environment, not only through virtuous behaviors to reduce resource waste and consumption but also through the improvement of technologies within the company.

Green Energy
Chimiver Panseri S.p.A. made significant investments in 2023 by focusing on renewable energy. The project involved the construction of two photovoltaic plants totaling 135.5 kWp, allowing us to produce approximately 25% of the electrical energy consumed in a year by the entire plant in-house and contribute about 5% to the grid. This investment for the future is a step towards energy independence, a new vision of sustainability that, through constant innovation and energy efficiency, contributes to a significant reduction in environmental impact.
Check our energy policy by clicking here.