November 16, 2022

November 16, 2022


Communication: Change in Working Hours 2022

Pontida, 16th of November 2022

Subject: change in company working hours

Dear Collaborators,

the current energy crisis that is affecting all of Europe requires that every Country, company and private individual to rethink their activities and to implement measures able to limit energy consumption and at the same time to optimize business processes.

Chimiver, as a chemical and manufacturing company, is aware of its role and as you know it is already doing its utmost in various areas to reduce its environmental impact, in many cases anticipating the obligations imposed by Italian and European regulations.

However, we want to do our part fully and take a further step, improving the management of all energy inputs and involving all our collaborators and stakeholders in the choice.

We therefore inform you that starting from the 21st of November 2022 and at least until the 31st of March 2023, the entire company will carry out the following working hours:

  • from Monday to Thursday from 08.00 to 16.30 (without break)
  • on Friday from 08.00 to 15.30 (without break).

Compared to the current working hours, this change will allow the company closure to be anticipated by 1 hour, guaranteeing significant energy savings and at the same time ensuring continuous service throughout the day.

In fact, by not carrying out the current break of 1 hour and a half for lunch break but managing it in rotation among the employees, we will be able to provide you with an extra half hour of company services (receipt and unloading of goods, technical assistance, front-office, etc…).

Certain that you will appreciate our initiative and trusting in your collaboration, we remain at your disposal for any clarification and / or particular need.

Best regards



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