September 28, 2023

September 28, 2023


Communication: Change in Working Hours 2023

Pontida, 28th September 2023

Subject: change in company working hours

Dear Collaborators,

Chimiver, aware of its role as a chemical and manufacturing company, has been working for years to implement a series of activities and measures aimed at minimizing its environmental impact, often going above and beyond the requirements set by Italian and European regulations (an example is the recent releasing of our first Sustainability Report).

As you may recall, during the past winter season, we introduced a further change by rethinking our work routine and optimizing the company’s opening hours, consequently affecting the working hours of our employees too.

Following the success of this initiative and the positive feedback we received from you, we have decided to reintroduce the same modification. This choice will allow us to enhance the management of all energy inputs by actively involving all our collaborators.

Therefore, we are announcing that starting from October the 1st, 2023 until April the 30th, 2024, the entire company will follow the following working hours:

  • from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM (without break)
  • on Friday from 08:00 AM to 03:30 PM (without break)

Compared to the current work schedule, this change brings the company’s closing time forward by 1 hour, resulting in energy consumption savings while still providing continuous service throughout the day, ensuring an additional half-hour of business activities (receipt and shipment of goods, technical support, front-office, etc.).

We are confident that you will appreciate the reintroduction of this initiative, and we rely on your cooperation; we remain at disposal for any clarification and/or specific needs.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Best regards


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