- Chimiver products can be purchased from the official resellers network around Italy and from our international partners.
- If you are a local customer you are more than welcome to visit our store in the headquarters in in sede a Pontida in Via Bergamo, 1401 .
- Chimiver has its own shop on Amazon dedicated to maintenance products.
The product data sheet is the product “identity card” that contains all the details, data, physical characteristics, methods of use, etc… that the user must know before the application.
- Certification is a certificate of truthfulness issued by a competent authority to an organization or company that meets a set of standards established nationally and / or internationally.
- Marking is the affixing of the CE mark on products.
- Testing is the verification of products quality and effectiveness, it can be carried out internally.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) are substances with a low boiling point that evaporate from finished products.
YES, parquet and radiant systems (or underfloor heating) are compatible.
There is no specific answer to this question, you have to choose case by case. The main features of water-based products:
- very weak odor (ideal for internal use);
- minimum emissions of potentially harmful substances;
- natural wood effect.
- toning of the wood;
- versatility, for application on any kind of wood;
- flexibility, for application with higher temperatures and humidity.
It is a subjective choice. The oil treated floor has an open pore effect that maintains the original characteristics of the wood. It does not have a superficial film but it works thanks to saturation. The main advantage consists in the fact that extraordinary maintenance interventions are easier on this type of flooring, restoring the initial aesthetic effect.
Each sanding removes approximately 2mm of wood. Therefore, based on the thickness of the noble core, it is possible to roughly calculate the number of times this operation can be performed
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